Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to I am: Already

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog. My name is Sara, and I am a recent Art Academy of Cincinnati graduate. Being a visual artist, I think it is so important to start interesting and inspiring dialogs with other creatives whether it be through writing, drawing, painting, singing, dancing - anything! And so I think blogging is a great way to express, explore, and share these creative ideas. I will be posting thoughts, poems, and works of my own art in hopes of any feed back or critiquing. In addition, I will be posting works of other writers and artists who inspire me in hopes of inspiring you, too!

Thus, the title of my blog, I am: Already, is derived from a poem I wrote:


I am sweating F-150s already.

Too bad my heart chose peanut butter instead.

Instead of boiling I’m lukewarm and Tuesday.

I think it’s still Lent will I eat meat today?

If we went fishing, I’d bring my file cabinet.

And organize, organize, and organize and sit.

I am sweating sheet music already.

And steady, steady, and steady and garbage.

If we went skiing, my file cabinet would go.

Instead of freezing I’m tepid and Thursday.

Too bad my tongue is still whining at the moon.

I think my watch battery died, did it go in it’s sleep?

And complete, complete, and complete and return.

Too bad my bad is ugly and guiltless.

If we went yachting, and life-ing, and jacketing,

Do Would you care if my cabinet came along?

Instead of steaming, I’m bland and last night,

I am sweating control pantyhose girdles already.

Too bad my shins split pea soup today.

There will be more to come. Thanks for stopping by!